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Charleston Business Libel and Slander Lawsuit

Reputation is everything, especially when your livelihood is on the line. When a disgruntled employee or an unsatisfied customer leaves an untrue review online, it may be defamation. Slander is spoken falsehood about a company. Libelous accusations are in writing and can substantially harm a business. They should be disputed in a timely manner so that you do not lose your job or your company. Businesses have the right to sue for defamation just like individuals do.

I represent clients the way I would want to be treated: with respect, honesty, and a commitment toward great results.”
- Julian Allen

What is Business Defamation?

A defamatory statement is a false allegation. One of these statements made against a business can severely disrupt its earnings, putting every job on the payroll at risk. There are four elements of defamation that must be proven to file a business defamation claim:

  • A false statement was made about the business
  • That statement was written or spoken to a third party
  • The statement was made with a negligible level of intent
  • The statement damaged the business’s reputation

Your attorney should not only be well versed in the elements of defamation, but also injurious falsehood and trade libel which includes malicious and false statements specifically regarding the plaintiff’s goods. Businesses can be defamed in fake reviews on consumer review apps or websites, false claims on professional or networking sites, or in a derogatory blog post. These claims left unattended in the vastness of the internet can spread like wildfire. It is crucial to find an attorney who has experience with not only litigating and resolving libel and slander disputes, but also in executing the removal of libelous content from the public eye. The longer false accusations are accessible to potential customers, the more damage they can do.

How Defamation Affects Your Business

Whoever said all publicity is good publicity, clearly had never been defamed by their competition- which is actually very common among businesses. These claims can and will negatively impact your business’s earning potential and profits. Defamation can lead to:

  • Decreased customer counts and foot traffic
  • Loss of sponsorship or advertising partnerships
  • Damage to reputation in the public sphere
  • Lowered morale among employees
  • Higher turnover rate of employees
  • Decrease in the bottom line
  • Inability to bounce back and closing business doors for good

Businesses have the right to make actionable legal claims for damages and relief thanks to commercial disparagement laws. These laws exist to allow for fair competition amongst businesses. A highly skilled Charleston business defamation suit attorney will hold bullies who make false accusations against your business accountable for their actions.

What Damages Can Be Recovered?

In South Carolina, your business can recover three distinct types of damages. They include:

  • Compensatory damages. Actual damages that are reimbursements for business losses due to mental suffering and injured reputation.
  • Special damages. Reimburse a partnership or corporation for losses from reputational injury that are measurable like revenue losses and stock value drops.
  • Punitive damages. Punish defendants for especially malicious behavior and reckless disregard while deterring similar future conduct.

Damages may also include court filing fees, expert witness fees, and attorney’s fees. The defendant may be responsible for all damages in your defamation case. A defamation suit attorney will investigate every aspect of the false statements made about your business and fight to protect your company’s reputation.

What Do I Do Now?

If your business has been defamed, and you are considering filing suit, you need to call the office of Allen Law. Social media and app-based review sites have changed the landscape of defamation claims. Attorney Allen has the experience and skillset to handle your case and restore your business’s good name. Don’t wait to contact Allen Law. We are here to help you and your business. Give us a call at (843) 882-5005.